Monday, November 29, 2010

My Guinness World Records now online

Looks like Guinness World Records has added a more comprehensive list of their catalogue to the website, and even included photos of the record-holders.

Here's my 10K joggling record. And here's the marathon.

At the recent Guinness World Records Day, there were a number of interesting events. I'm pretty sure I could break the new mark for "longest time to juggle three objects underwater" (1 minute, 20 seconds), but I'd have trouble with most of the others, including "most serpilleres by an individual" in 30 seconds (34) and "most stairs climbed in one minute while balancing a person on the head" (the entire staircase of the Sacre-Coeur in Paris). Joggling is a little odd, but hey, at least I don't spend my spare time walking up staircases with a woman balanced on my head.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Joggling in Ford Flex ad

My mother-in-law was perusing the latest copy of Chatelaine magazine and came across an ad for the Ford Flex that listed "15 things to do together before your kids leave home." No. 2 the list? "Take up joggling (jog and juggle at the same time). Post a video online." Also notable was No. 8: "Break a world record. Invent your own entry!"

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010

Joggling Championships at UCLA 1990

Check out this footage from the Joggling Championships at UCLA in 1990. Thanks to Perry at for tracking this one down. Classic!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Breaking and Entering documentary 2009

Breaking and Entering movie poster

Plot: Explores the lives of would-be record-breakers as they pursue their dreams of fame and fortune, sometimes both, usually neither.