Monday, March 12, 2007

Joggler feels the weight of Canadian pop culture on his shoulders

Today's planned joggle: 6 miles (home from work)

My legs and shoulders are both feeling pulverized today after yesterday's 24-mile joggling jaunt. Today's joggle will be a very easy recovery run.

Unfortunately, my backpack will be heavier than usual because I bought a few clothes at lunchtime that I need to cart home, and I also need to take home my book – JPod by Douglas Coupland – so I can read it on the subway tomorrow. So far, JPod is good, but even the paperback version is a little above the weight limit for a joggler's backpack.

Since I began running home from work, I've chosen both my wardrobe and reading materials based on weight. Heavy jackets and pants are out, as are thick-soled shoes. Vikram Seth, Wally Lamb and Tolstoy will never find their way into my knapsack.

I started up a discussion on Running Mania about runners who commute on two legs, so I know I'm not alone here.


  1. I thought I would be your first commenter but I notice that isn't the case.

    I am a bit jealous though that you can run to work. I live 22 miles via freeway so that would be a little out of my league every day.

    Thanks for the shout out at my blog and I've Bloglined you so I can keep up with your writing.

    Oh, and it is a little distressing that you kick my ass handedly in marathon times when you are juggling and I'm just processing air.

  2. I often have more trouble processing the air in Toronto these days than I do juggling.

    Hmm, yes, a 44-mile round trip in speeding traffic sounds like a little much.


  3. Mine's a 10 mile run (16K) run. And I joggle it every so often but there are some pretty sketchy neighborhoods on the way so I don't do it too much.

    Average Joggler
