Thursday, April 5, 2007

Ouch, this really hurts

Ow ow ow ow ow.

I couldn't sleep last night because of whatever I did to my back. It's been four days and it's worse than ever. This morning I have a physio appointment to get a proper diagnosis and hopefully some treatment.

I keep rewinding back to the point where I was lifting that heavy piece of furniture, wishing that I had just put it down when I felt my arm start to pull out of its socket. What an idiot I am!

In less than a week I'm supposed to be teaching Evan Solomon from 'CBC News: Sunday' how to joggle and I can barely move. Benjamin from the documentary film crew is also flying up to Toronto again to do shoot some pre-marathon footage.

This better get better.


  1. This better get better, and it better get better quick! Joggler, you got things to do, places to go, balls to play with (and being able to lay down and get some sleep would be nice too). Hope you get better soon buddy.

  2. On the plus side, this gives you an excellent opportunity to practice juggling while lying on your back. Which is exactly what you'll need to graduate to a joggling triathlon.

  3. {"Which is exactly what you'll need to graduate to a joggling triathlon."}

    LOL! Good idea Perry! I hope the physio appt went well Michal.

  4. Ah Perry, always looking on the bright side.

    Thanks for both your well-wishes. The doctor seems confident that it will heal in time.
