Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Three days to go ... aaaah!

Three days away from the marathon. Questions on my mind:

1. Will this be my last joggling marathon?

2. Will I sleep in on marathon morning and miss the start of the race?

3. How much does 1,300 metres of altitude affect a joggling marathon record attempt?

4. Will I finally beat Zach in a head-to-head joggling duel?

5. Will I drop a ball at the start of the race?

6. Will I do something embarrassing that will be immortalized in a documentary film and on national Canadian TV?

7. Is marathon joggling inherently embarrassing or heroic?


  1. Being cursed with omniscience, I'm more than happy to provide answers for your questions. They are:

    No, no, I guess we'll have to see, yes (unless it's the other way around), no, certainly not, and yes.

    But seriously, I'm sure that all the Canadian runners and jugglers (and running jugglers) will be pulling for you. Tear up the road this weekend!

    A runner and a juggler, 'though not a joggler.

    6. Will I do something embarrassing that will be immortalized in a documentary film and on national Canadian TV?

    7. Is marathon joggling inherently embarrassing or heroic?

  2. Thanks Greg, I'm so glad you were able to snswer all of my questions. You passed the test with a perfect score.

  3. Does altitude affect the juggling portion? I know it does the running part.

    Massage Chair Relief
