Thursday, May 24, 2007

Joggling with 7 clubs?

We have Kooza tickets. The whole family will be going to the new Cirque du Soleil show on September 1 in Toronto. I haven't seen the Cirque since my parents took me to the original show when I was about 12. Funny, this was around the same time I read about joggling in the Guinness Book.

As I mentioned before, juggler extraordinaire Anthony Gatto performs in Kooza and there's a bit of a spoiler on YouTube of his act, which he did at a press conference.

I know that Gatto has done some joggling at the IJA festivals in the past, and Barry Goldmeier joked about it being harder for him to joggle with three beanbags than with seven. This got me thinking ... Could Anthony joggle with seven clubs? Or with nine rings? Now that I would pay to see.


  1. Well, Anthony's world record duration for 7 clubs is 4 min 23 Sec. See So I'm not sure how much distance you could get before a drop. I don't want to run anywhere near him. 5 Clubs however is probably a differnet story.

    On a side note, my Wash. DC based aunt just sent me an email about Running a 10K in DC and seeing this person up infront of her Joggling with 5 Balls. After sending her the link to the video of Barry G. it does apear it was him.

  2. Anthony Gatto is a machine, a monster, a modern-day super hero. There won't be another like him for a long time.

  3. I went to Montreal to see the show just two weeks ago and the performance of Gatto is really impressing. However, I was quite disappointed because I know he can do even more difficult things, but on stage he is doing a "perfect act" and somehow I prefer jugglers to be more risky on stage.

    Anyway, it's possibly the best juggling performance you can see on earth (not very creative but very technical).

    And talking about the future, I think there is a new generation of jugglers that is almost at the same level as Gatto. Just search some videos in YouTube of the jugglers involved in the WJF competition, such as Wes Peden.

  4. At Gatto Forum, Anthony has claimed that he could indeed joggle with seven clubs, not as fast as with balls but certainly faster than anyone who would challenge him. See topic "Does Anthony [deleted]?".
