Monday, May 28, 2007

My 16 minutes and 7 seconds of fame

Here's a link to the CBC-TV video. Please enjoy it at my expense.


  1. Great video Michal! I especially liked the part where you and the reporter went joggling together.

  2. ...oh yeah, what's with this "retirement" talk?

    If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone retire after finishing a marathon, I'd be rich.

  3. Perry, did you notice your joggling duel poster in the video?

    Yes, I may well come out of retirement.

  4. Great video!

    Although I have to say, if you thought that joggling a marathon took a lot out of you, what do you think going backwards is going to do?

  5. Yeah. I was horrified to see you at the finish saying that you wouldn't be doing it again. good to hear that the retirement thing may not be for certain. Don't be kicking his balls.. He He.

  6. Yeah, saw the poster. It was really cool! Thanks.
