Friday, July 20, 2007

The high-intensity, uphill cooldown

Here's the article from Explore magazine. Just click on the photo for a readable version. Hey, does that photo look familiar? What a great shot by John Chou, the Longboat Roadrunners photographer. It's one of the few joggling photos where one of the beanbags isn't "clowning" directly in front of my nose.

One of these days I might actually update my oft-neglected main site,, with all these press clippings.

On the training front, I wasn't able to pry myself out of bed yesterday morning for my planned speed workout, but I did end up running home from work despite a time crunch to get back to see a personal training client. After a 2-mile warmup, I hammered a 3-mile tempo (uphill, with a backpack, but no juggling).

The last mile of my run home from work iincludes a very steep climb, so it ends up that my "cooldown" ineviteably involves strenuous uphill toiling. I could just add an extra mile after the hill, but that would make too much sense.


  1. Great article! I thought I would see you at the Nissan 10 miler, they advertised you as being there. They even said your name at the beginning of the race (which I thought meant you were there!).

    Good luck with training this summer =)

  2. Yeah, great article Michal. But what's all this talk about hanging up the bean bags?!

  3. I thought about running the 10-miler. I was out doing a long run in the area and saw the race director setting things up at 6:30 am, so he might have thought that I was racing it. Good luck with your training too, Sonia.

    Perry, I don't plan to stop joggling, but I might back it off on the competition. I need to get in some quality backwards marathon training. By the way, nice work on the 6-month joggling streak. What a feat!
