Friday, August 31, 2007

New world record bid: the gum-chewing joggling marathon


I have officially decided to run the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon on September 30 while juggling three beanbags ... and while chewing gum every step of the way.

What remains to be seen is whether or not I will have an official gum sponsor for this gum-chewing joggling marathon.

I've experimented with various chewing techniques and tested out several different types of gum and have determined that not only is it possible, but that I actually enjoy chewing gum while I run. It helps calm my nerves, it keeps my mouth from drying up, it tastes good and the thought of doing this makes me laugh. And I like to laugh.


  1. Maybe I'll see you there. Doesn't the gum lose it's taste relatively quickly? I can't imagine chewing on the same piece of gum for close to three hours. Are you going to switch gum and flavours at the aid stations?

  2. Some of the gum lasts for quite a while if you chew it slowly. I've been chewing three pieces at a time for about 45 minutes. I plan to take along serveral different flavours and switch it up about three or four times during the marathon.

  3. You were not mistaken, truly
