Thursday, September 27, 2007

Joggler slideshow on

Peter Hadzipetros, who writes an excellent running and fitness blog called 'Back of the Pack,' put together a joggling slideshow that appeared on the main page of today. It's just over four minutes long. To view it, click HERE. also just launched their marathon page HERE.

Last night I did a final test joggle at marathon goal pace of 4:00/km. Everything appears to be in working order. I did pull some muscles in my hand a couple of days ago while trying to open a stubborn wine bottle cap (Coyote's Run Pinot Noir 2004, Niagara - delicious!), but that seems to have healed.

Tomorrow, I have a crazy day of appearances and interviews.
The Reebok booth at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon expo will reportedly have a giant picture of me, which is exciting and kind of scary. I'll be doing some joggling demonstrations at the booth at 11 am and 5:30 pm.

1 comment:

  1. Have I been mispronouncing your last name for 10 years? Or is this announcer a little confused...

    Stacy (Reebok Stu's sister) told me they were planning something with you and the booth - can't wait to see it.

    Enjoy your weekend, star.
    - J
