Sunday, October 14, 2007

Charles Bedley wins 2007 Toronto Marathon

Wow! My old training partner Charles Bedley just won the 2007 Toronto Marathon (the one that's not the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon) in a blistering time of 2:21:58. It looks like Bedley and Edmonton's Matthew Norminton flew through the half in 1:08 and Charlie hung on for the win.

This is the same race that I won in 2002, so each of us has taken the crown, only he was almost nine minutes faster.

Way to go, Charlie!


  1. 2hr 21mins is respectable.
    ....I could have done it in 2hr 30min

  2. This post gives me the following idea...if you want to get faster, hang out with fast people. I don't know anyone that runs that fast.

  3. I spent about three years chasing after Charlie on the track, up hills and on mile repeats. I never caught him (except once or twice when he wasn't feeling well), but it did make me faster.
