Monday, June 16, 2008

Joggler wins race outright

On Sunday, at the Father's Day Run for Prostate Cancer, I won my first race while joggling. I'm used to being the top joggler in races, but this was the first time I won a race outright while juggling. My time of just over 18 minutes was well off the 5000m record of 16:55, but I still think I'd have good shot at that one if I could find a track race.

Dianne also returned to the racing world with an impressive 23:20.

Last week, I also ran into the newly retired Perry, who was in Toronto to watch the Jays play the Cubs. Perry told me he would be doing some joggling in the city. Sure enough, at the race on Sunday, Peter Donato my told me he was shocked to see another joggler running along the waterfront.


  1. Michal,

    Congrats on the big win!! I only wish I could run an 18 5K.

    It was good to see you. The joggling world always enjoys your joggling stories.

  2. I know who the person was joggling on the waterfront. All I have to say is be ready for someone to make a bang with their joggling debut in the next few months.

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