Showing posts with label Canadian Running magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canadian Running magazine. Show all posts

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Photos from the Canadian Running Magazine 5K Joggling Duel

All photos by Adrienne Stewart (thanks Adrienne!)

Race splits

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Inside Toronto coverage of 5K joggling race


Here's a photo on Inside Toronto from the Canadian Running Magazine 5K Joggle-off. And the caption:
Michal Kapral (a.k.a. The Joggler), left, and Simon Hodge (a.k.a. The Eco-Joggler) join the recent Canadian Running Magazine 5-km race at Varsity Stadium. The joggling duo fell short of reaching a world record time for running/juggling 5 km.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Canadian Running Magazine's Olympic Issue

Who’s Running the Olympics?
Canadian Running Magazine Warms Up the Track for the
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games with an In-Depth Olympic Issue

From 100m in 9.72 seconds to 42.2K in 2 hours, 4 minutes and 26 seconds, in the world of running everyone’s watching the clock and thinking ‘how fast?’ But at the Olympic Games, the ultimate international competition, the race is about so much more than time. Canadian Running Magazine’s July/August issue takes a comprehensive look at the running world behind the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

From issues of Olympic contention to the athletes to watch to training tips from some of Canada’s top performers, Canadian Running Magazine gives readers the lowdown on running at this year’s Olympics. The upcoming Olympic Issue hits newsstands across Canada by July 1.

Below is an outline of the Olympic stories to catch in the July/August issue of Canadian Running Magazine:

High Standards
By Alex Hutchinson
Canadians Giitah Macharia and Tara Quinn-Smith were crowned Canadian Marathon Champions at the ING Ottawa Marathon in May, also qualifying by IOC standards for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, but the two champions will not compete in the most revered of international competitions this August. Find out why in the upcoming issue of Canadian Running Magazine. Senior editor Alex Hutchinson takes an objective look at Canada’s much-debated and often maligned Olympic qualifying standards and how they affect the running world. Speaking with current and former athletes, Hutchinson examines the hows, whys and repercussions of Canada’s high standards. “The real difference in opinion is what the definition of success is,” says Canadian 2:16 marathoner Matt McInnes commenting on the IOC versus COC Olympic standards.

Canada’s Olympic Hopefuls
When the Games of the XXIX Olympiad begin on August 8, a select group of Canadian runners will march into Beijing’s National Stadium in front of 90,000 spectators and billions of TV viewers, fulfilling what for many of them will be a lifelong dream. Canadian Running Magazine profiles some of Canada’s best hopes to make the athletics team. Contenders include Simon Bairu (men’s 10,000m), Reid Coolsaet (men’s 10,000m), Megan Metcalfe (women’s 5000m), Malindi Elmore (women’s 1500m), Hilary Stellingwerff (women’s 1500m), Carmen Douma-Hussar (women’s 1500m), Kevin Sullivan (men’s 1500m), Ryan McKenzie (men’s 1500m), Nathan Brannen (men’s 1500m), Alex Genest (men’s 3000m steeplechase), Gary Reed (men’s 800m), and Tyler Christopher (men’s 400m). Note that marathoners Lioudmila Kortchaguina and Dylan Wykes are also profiled in the article, but neither athlete successfully met the COC marathon standards by the May 25 deadline.

Paralympic Profile: Jason Dunkerly: Going for Gold in Beijing
By Kyle Desormeaux
Jason Dunkerly, one of the most decorated middle-distance runners in Canada, is heading to September’s Paralympic Games in China. An eye condition called Leber’s congenital amaurosis has left Dunkerly with no vision other than minimal light perception. Kyle Desmoreaux gives readers a little insight into Dunkerly’s world.

Fair Weather Fans
By Peter Hadzipetros
Picture the Don Cherry of running – starched singlet and plaid high-cut shorts, ranting about the Canadian way. It might be one way to cure our country’s fledgling running fan base according to Peter Hadzipetros. Canadians tune in to the running scene essentially only once every four years during the Olympics. This column gets Canadians thinking about the reasons our road races are lined with, well, nearly nobody.

Final Prep: The Call Rooms
By Leah Pells
Former Olympian Leah Pells gives readers a first-hand account of the typical check-in procedure athletes endure leading into a final race. From uniform scrutiny to logo management to health hazards, Pells provides readers a true behind-the-scenes look. Pells finished fourth in the 1500m at the 1996 Atlanta Games.

Run Stronger with Olympic Training
By Kristin Kent
Step up your performance with training tips from some of Canada’s leading Olympians. Learn how plyometrics can increase speed, power and running economy, ice baths can speed up recovery time from delayed onset muscle soreness, and new stretching techniques can add spring to tired muscles.

Tips From Canada’s Best: What’s Your Favourite Post-Workout Snack?
By Hilary Stellingwerff
From PowerBar recovery drinks and fruit with yogurt and granola to doughnuts and even squeezed lemon with cayenne pepper, find out what foods motivate and rejuvenate some of Canada’s Olympic hopefuls.

Canadian Running Magazine is available on special displays at Running Room stores across the country, in most Shoppers Drug Marts and at all major Canadian airports. Canadian Running Magazine is also sold at independent retailers across Canada (please visit for a complete list).

For subscriptions, please go to or call 416-927-0774.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rock and Ice Ultra

It’s a rough life being the editor of a national running magazine. On March 22, I’ll embark on my first field assignment for Canadian Running Magazine by competing in the Rock and Ice Ultra in the Northwest Territories.

The main event is the Diamond Ultra, a six-day stage race of about 45K a day across ungroomed, snow-covered tundra, but I’ve chosen the comparatively easy (ha!) three-day K-Rock Ultra, which covers a total distance of 135K. If you’re curious to find out if I survive, I’ll be posting race updates on the Canadian Running website:

And no, I will not be joggling the whole thing. I will, however, bring along a set of Joggler Sportballs, and plan to do a token amount of joggling – maybe for the last few minutes of each stage.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

NEWS RELEASE: New All-Canadian Running Magazine Launches in February

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
New Canadian Running Magazine Launches in February
– Editorial Team Goes the Distance for Runners North of the Border –

Toronto (February 5, 2008) – Canada has an estimated one million runners, more than 500 running races, and expected sales of two million pairs of running shoes in 2008. And now, finally, Canada has its own magazine dedicated to running. Gripped Inc. launches Canadian Running Magazine, the only running magazine published in Canada and with all-Canadian content, in February.

“This is the first running magazine that is truly dedicated to all levels of runners in the Great White North, from St. John’s to Ottawa to Victoria,” says editor-in-chief Michal Kapral. “At last, Canadians can read about the best running routes, the excellent races, the most influential and up-and-coming runners, inspirational stories, winter running tips, and running news – in Canada! Oh, and running programs in kilometres, not miles!”

Coverage will also include articles on the latest running issues, fitness tips for all seasons, diet and nutrition information, in-depth features, and expert reviews of the latest footwear, fashion and accessories for runners.

“Our editorial team is led by accomplished runners who are tapped into the running community,” says Gripped Inc. publisher Sam Cohen. “We found the right people and ran with them. And hey, the first issue speaks for itself.”

Editor-in-chief Michal Kapral won the Toronto Marathon in 2002 with a personal best time of 2:30:40, holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon while juggling (2:50:09), and is a sponsored athlete. Senior editor Kevin Mackinnon is an accomplished runner, triathlete and coach, and the editor of Triathlon Magazine Canada. Senior editor Alex Hutchinson represented Canada at the World Championships. Publisher Sam Cohen is a life-long runner who will focus on 5K and 10K races in 2008. Publisher and editorial director Dave Chaundy-Smart is a passionate runner who completed his first and second marathons two weeks apart last fall.

Canadian Running Magazine is Gripped Inc.’s third magazine. The company first launched Gripped: The Climbing Magazine in 1999, followed by Triathlon Magazine Canada in March 2006.

“Running is one of the simplest and most accessible fitness activities in Canada, so it’s a mass-appeal sport,” says Cohen. “Triathlon Magazine Canada was so successful that we decided to use the same formula to enter a larger, more mainstream market.” Cohen says the Canadian running magazine market has significant room for growth. The U.S. publication Runner’s World sells about 25,000 subscriptions in Canada and 10,000 copies on newsstands – with total U.S. sales of 600,000. Based on population – Canada has one-tenth the population of the U.S. – Canadian Running Magazine has the potential to reach 60,000 Canadians subscriptions.

The launch issue tells the story of Danny Kassap, a political refugee from Congo with dreams of Canadian citizenship and the Beijing Olympics. The magazine also talks to Olympic hopeful Hilary Stellingwerff, profiles B.C.’s Bastion Running Club, explores the surge in popularity of running forums with a look at, talks to running celebrity Ron MacLean of CBC’s Hockey Night in Canada, takes readers on a running tour of Quebec City and explores trail runs in the Maritimes and the Rockies. Other features include training and nutrition tips, inspiration for winter running, and both shoe and gear reviews.

Canadian Running Magazine will start to appear on newsstands in Ontario on February 21, Quebec on February 25, and the rest of the country on February 26. The magazine will be sold on special displays at Running Room stores across the country, in most Shoppers Drug Marts and at all major Canadian airports. Canadian Running Magazine will also be sold at independent retailers across Canada (please see the attached fact sheet for a list of several retailers in each province).

Canadian Running Magazine’s website ( will launch on February 15. For subscriptions, please go to or call 416-927-0774.


Michal Kapral, Editor-in-Chief, 416-861-8319 ext. 232,
Dianne Kapral, Media Relations, 416-690-4555,
Dave Chaundy-Smart, Editorial Director, 416-927-0774,
Sam Cohen, Publisher, 416-927-0774, (available starting Monday, February 11)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Joggler in JUGGLE magazine

I haven't seen it yet, but there's an article about me in the latest JUGGLE magazine. As a fairly lame juggler by jugglers' standards, this is a huge honour for me. I celebrated this achievement by finally joining the International Jugglers' Association.

Speaking of magazines, the debut issue of Canadian Running Magazine is looking very good as we get things ready for the Feb. 15 launch.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Get ready for Canadian Running magazine

Runners, start your Garmins!

This February, Gripped Inc. is launching a new magazine called Canadian Running. It will be the first and only running magazine published in Canada, covering all the issues important to Canadian runners.

And the best part? I'm the editor.

So if you have any ideas about what you'd like to see in the magazine, write a comment here, or shoot me an e-mail.

The first issue is already shaping up to be a doozy. And before you ask ... no, every other article will not be about joggling.