Showing posts with label KUTV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KUTV. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sore all over – time to taper

Today's joggling plan: 10 miles

Zach and I get to joggle on live TV. We have an interview confirmed with KUTV in Salt Lake City on April 20, the day before the race. They're doing the segment outside, so they can get some quality joggling footage.

I did some joggling speed intervals yesterday, followed by 3-club juggling practice. I feel sore all over today.

The rest of the week will be easy joggling to taper for the Around the Bay 30K this Sunday. If I can finish the 30K, I'm guaranteed to set a personal joggling best for the distance, since it's my first 30K joggle. I'm also guaranteed to set a course record for joggling, and possibly a world record too. I haven't heard of anyone joggling a 30-km race ... ever.