Showing posts with label Longboat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Longboat. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's official – The Bloggling Joggler is the fastest 10K joggler in the world

I'll raise a pint to this: Despite my lack of video footage, the representatives at Guinness World Records have officially accepted my 10K joggling world record. My time of 36 minutes and 27 seconds surpassed the previous record by five minutes.

Thank you to my official witnesses, especially to Roger Moss, who ran the whole thing next to me or just behind me and was able to verify that I joggled every step of the way, and that I ran it "clean" (ie. no drops).

As a member of the Longboat Roadrunners, I was happy to set the record at the historic, beautiful and flat Longboat Toronto Island Run.

Here's what it says today on my online Guinness World Records account:

Fastest 10km while juggling three objects -

Congratulations! Your record has been approved and a
certificate has been
sent to the address provided in your profile. If you
you need to order
additional certificates, please use the option on the