Showing posts with label marathon joggling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marathon joggling. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A short long run

I had to cut my long joggle short today because of a family brunch, but it was still a good quality run so I'm not too worried. Next Sunday, I'll be up in cottage country for a nice 24-miler.

Dianne and I have been busy putting together a portfolio for an exciting potential joggling sponsorship. If this deal goes through, I will bloggle about it pronto.

In the meantime, I'm off to practise my juggling for the Toronto Buskerfest..

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Three days to go ... aaaah!

Three days away from the marathon. Questions on my mind:

1. Will this be my last joggling marathon?

2. Will I sleep in on marathon morning and miss the start of the race?

3. How much does 1,300 metres of altitude affect a joggling marathon record attempt?

4. Will I finally beat Zach in a head-to-head joggling duel?

5. Will I drop a ball at the start of the race?

6. Will I do something embarrassing that will be immortalized in a documentary film and on national Canadian TV?

7. Is marathon joggling inherently embarrassing or heroic?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Joggling for childhood cancer research

My back's back!

After eight days of no running or joggling because of an upper back/neck injury, I hit the road yesterday for a six-mile jaunt home from work. I had no pain and was even able to do some tricks, ignoring warning from my physiotherapist not to do any joggling tricks or five-ball juggling (because the higher tosses force you to look up and crane the neck back).

CBC News: Sunday is filming tomorrow and documentary crew is here on Thursday through the weekend, so it looks like I healed just in time.

I recently set up a link to make online donations to a great charity that I've been raising money for these past few years. It's called A Run For Liane, and all donations go 100% toward childhood cancer research at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

At last year's team meeting for this charity, we were told about some amazing advances in research that have been made in recent years, so to those of you who have donated in the past. your generosity is truly making a difference.

Any donations are greatly appreciated. To make a secure, online, tax deductible contribution, click HERE.