Showing posts with label the joggler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the joggler. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2008

Award-winning CBC-TV documentary

For those of you who missed it, here's a link to the CBC News: Sunday documentary, 'The Joggler.' which last week won a prestigious Gold World Award at the New York Festivals.

Monday, July 9, 2007

A marathoner with balls

The Joggler is in Explore magazine. I haven't seen the article yet, but here's the promo from the website:

Explorata: Our top female kayaker makes a splash; mountain caribou in peril; the latest Canadian hero on Everest; a marathoner with balls; the Fly Gurlz turn 10; finding your real maximum heart rate; train with star coaches.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My lucky break ... or should I say, no break?

After seven hours in a variety of waiting rooms at St. Michael's Hospital, it has been determined that my shin suffered "massive trauma" in my parkour mishap, but no fracture. So as soon as I can walk again without pain, I'll be ready to run.

I'd say the next world record attempt is a go.

When my name was called out by the triage nurse in the ER, I heard a voice behind me say: "That's the joggler! That guy runs marathons while juggling." I looked back to see a guy in the red shirt and glasses grinning away. Later on in the treatment area, we ran into each other again. It turns out that he was the editor who put together the CBC News: Sunday documentary. He had torn his Achilles tendon playing ball hockey. We had a good conversation about joggling, juggling, running, ball hockey, news editing and injuries.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Can I run like a normal person?

Now that the joggling duel is done, I'm going to take a break from joggling and see if I remember how to run like normal human being. I hope I don't still run with palms facing up, because that would look stupid.

Thanks to my mom for pointing out that I'm listed in Upcoming Stories on the CBC News: Sunday site as the Marathon Joggler. I'm waiting for confirmation on the date this will go to air, but here's the link. I watched the show last Sunday and Evan Solomon did a fantastic interview with David Foster. No doubt hundreds of thousands of viewers will be anxious to see what kinds of insights Evan was able to pry out of The Joggler.