Monday, March 19, 2007

A blister and a potential sponsorship

Today's joggling plan: 6 miles

Yesterday I missed my long run. We were in Niagara-on-the-Lake at my mother-in-law's place and when my alarm went off at 5 a.m., I calmly turned it off, rolled over and fell straight back to sleep until 10. It was heaven.

Dianne and her mom encouraged me to go for my joggle before noon, but no dice; I just didn't feel like running. I had (and still have) a big painful blister on the ball of my foot and also had a bit of a strained muscle in my ankle.

I did do some juggling practice with my nephew, who is six and already learning how to juggle.

On the weekend, I also got some good news: A company that sells juggling beanbags with a stellar reputation is interested in becoming my beanbag sponsor. Hopefully, things will get finalized soon.


  1. Hi Michal, I'm so glad I visited your blog. I followed the link from RM. You are one amazing, multi-talented athlete!! Congratulations on all your accomplishments. I really loved your post about the neighbours thinking you're weird. Too funny! Good luck with the sponsorship deal. I hope everything falls into place. (Hmmm... maybe "falls" isn't the best word to use, LOL!)

  2. Hey congrats on the sponsorship. I've never tried those joggling balls but that is the same mass that I use (85 g). Just make sure they give you bright colored ones for night time joggling.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's the cool thing about the Sport Juggling Balls – they only come in two colours: black and white. I chose white.
