Tuesday, March 20, 2007

BREAKING NEWS: Sport Juggling Company sponsors The Joggler

Today's joggling plan: 0 miles (sore ankle needs rest)
I've got balls!
Sport Juggling Company, maker of the world-famous Sport balls, is now The Joggler's official sponsor for joggling beanbags. They'll be producing an 85 g custom marathon joggling beanbag for me. I can't wait to give these a test run.
This is my first official joggling sponsorship. Reebok has been sponsoring me for shoes and apparel for three years, but I signed on with them based solely on my running, in my pre-Joggler days.


  1. Days off are good. I haven't taken one in 65 days and my legs are getting a little tired. But I can't stop now. Any ideas on how to rest but keep joggling?

  2. Perry - The best way I think you can rest is to just do the minumum required to keep your runnign streak alive. Joggle a short 1-2 miles at a slow (for you) pace.

  3. Good advice, Brian. Perry, just make sure you joggle at a very leisurely pace on the easy days. I used to run to and from work every day and the 6-mile run to work was always done at an incredibly easy pace. So easy, in fact, that I learned to take little naps along the way. I started the run at 5 a.m. and was always tired. To nap while you run, just stay very relaxed, look at the road ahead and make sure there are no upcoming obstacles, close your eyes and let you mind wander into dreamland. Ahh, the running nap – it's a fine art. The joggling nap would be much harder, but I know you know how to juggle blindfolded.

  4. Perry - The best way I think you can rest is to just do the minumum required to keep your runnign streak alive. Joggle a short 1-2 miles at a slow (for you) pace.
