I've been spending more time lately working on my clubs juggling. Dianne bought me a set of five Renegade clubs for Christmas, but I haven't had much time to use them because of the risk of dropping them on my kids' heads.
Zach told me he joggled with clubs when he appeared on ESPN last year because they wanted something more flashy than beanbags. Now that my clubs juggling is coming along, maybe it's time to give clubs joggling a whirl?
The guy you see juggling the clubs in the above photo is Anthony Gatto, and I just read that he is performing in the upcoming Cirque du Soleil show, Kooza. It's coming to Toronto in August and Gatto alone will be worth the admission. I'm going to book tickets.
For those of you not familiar with Gatto, watch this:
great video. I really wish I could juggle as fluidly as this guy. He makes it look so easy. My attempts at 7 balls are a mess (and not of the Mills variety).
"but I haven't had much time to use them because of the risk of dropping them on my kids' heads."
This is a greatly overrated concern. I've been juggling for 20+ years. Soon after having my first child I realized that getting hit with a club wouldn't do permanent dammage, and that they would figure out to stay away. It has mostly worked although when I take my 6 YO son to our juggling club, he has a habit of walking through passing patterns. Frankly he needs to get hit a few more times to figure it out.
Interesting. I saw the cirque in Niagara Falls last year and remember they had a girl doing the juggling. I wonder if they rotate people in and out. the only reason I remember it was a girl was cause I remember wishing that I had abs like hers!
Jugglers like Anthony Gatto have a rare gift. The rest of us have to work much, much harder to achieve similar results. Still I must practice and stay optimistic.
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