Monday, September 17, 2007

Emissions-free driving

Here I am getting ready to drive to work in Toronto's first Mango velomobile. Perfect cross-training for joggling.


  1. Great pic, but again with the no helmet! When do friends get to test-drive?
    - J

  2. Any time, Joanna! OK, check out the new video I just posted and note my helmeted head.

  3. Why did you choose the Mango over the Versatile?

  4. They're both amazing machines, but we went with the Mango over the Versatile for a few reasons: The Mango is about 15 pounds lighter, and is much zippier for city riding and going up hills. It also has better ventilation for summer driving (as well as a kayak-type skirt for the cold or rain), and it has more space on the side to put advertising. Oh, and the Mango is quite a bit more affordable, too.

    The Versatile does has some sweet features. The flip top is convenient for getting in and out (and looks impressive), the steering handles at your sides feel very natural, the Rohloff hub allows you to shift through 24 gears on one hand and the paint job is stunning.

    It was a tough decision, but the Mango won out for our purposes.
