Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Velomobile gets pulled over

So there I was, happily cruising through downtown Toronto in the new Mango velomobile, when what do I see in the mirror but the flashing lights of a police car.

I pulled over near King and Sherbourne and climbed out of the vehicle. The police officer came out and said to me: "What is this?"

"It's a velomobile, a pedal-powered recumbent trike." I said. "It's legal."

"I don't think you can be allowed on the road with this, you're driving a motor vehicle. It's not safe."

"There is no motor, just pedals."

"But you were going so fast. There has to be a motor."

"Nope, no motor, take a look."

"I need to go check this out. What is this called again."

"A velomobile. V-E-L-O-M-O-B-I-L-E."

The police officer then went back into his cruiser to make a call. About 10 minutes later he reappeared and said it was legal and to have a good ride, so off I went.


  1. So, how long before the word gets 'round the force that the speedy yellow thing is OK? Because until then, you can probably expect to keep getting pulled over, time and again. :-)

    Less than two weeks to go... we're pulling for you here in Kingston!

  2. Hi Greg,

    Ray from Bluevelo has been driving these things to and from work for a year and has never been stopped. Maybe it's the yellow?

    Thanks for the good wishes. I'm officially getting nervous, but my asthma seems to have improved so I'm hopeful.

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