Monday, October 1, 2007

After the record: aching legs, tired arms, sore ... jaw?

I think I've turned NDP Leader Jack Layton into a big joggling fan (photo courtesy of STWM).

A brief rundown of the race:

Chip time (which will be used for the Guinness World Record): 2:50:09.

Gun time: 2:50:12.

Number of drops: 2 (one at 25.5K, one just before the finish line as I tried to sprint in for sub-2:50 - doh!).

Gum chewing: Yes, I did succeed in chewing gum throughout the entire race! I began chewing three sticks of Extra Bubblemint about two minutes from the start and had planned to rotate through a whole pack, but ended up chewing the same three pieces for two hours and 50 minutes.


  1. Congrats. Also, you are mentioned in the Marathon's website:

    But they have the time off.

  2. How do you drink anything while joggling or you don't bother?

  3. With your 2:50 run you seem to be getting faster or is your juggling getting better?

    I'd like to see what you can do without the circus act. I am a much bigger fan of your 2:30 run at CIM. Any thoughts or ideas on going for that PB?

  4. To drink, I have to come to a complete stop at the water station, drink, then resume jogglng. You can stop, but you mush be juggling every step forward.

    I think joggling is it's own unique sport. Being a great juggler will make it easier, but I think I got faster because I joggled a lot in training. The form is quite different from juggling standing still. My times also dropped because I switched to better, lighter joggling beanbags (Sport Juggling Co. Sportballs - 90g).

    I still have hopes of breaking 2:30 for a non-joggling marathon, but I would need more time to train ... and I'm not getting any younger. If I can find a way to only work one job, then I might have a chance.

  5. Joggler,

    Simply Amazing!!!!!! I saw you bringing it home as I went out to cheer on a friend at the 37km marker, after my 1/2 marathon. I looked at my watch and new you would be close to the record. So happy the record is back on Canadian soil again!
    Not sure how you do it but very cool to see it live.
    Best wishes!

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