Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Exclusive: World record joggling video

This is me at 37K. It looks like I'm crawling, but I was actually still running close to 4 mins./km. (Video by Wayne Cheung)

Somebody updated Wikipedia's joggling entry already.


  1. ou don't look like you're crawling! I was out for a 5x1km interval run this morning and just managed to hold 4:03 for 1km at a time --- doing a whole marathon at that pace, while juggling, simply boggles the mind.

    And the Wikipedia page was only half updated; I fixed it. Love that Wikipedia!

    Great run, congratulations again!

  2. Crawling, scmrawling: You looked pretty solid to me.

    Very well done -- congrats on the amazing run and bringing the title home to Canada. The CBC slideshow was awesome as well.

  3. Hey congratulations again. Tough about that 2:50 thing. So close. It was nice to final meet you after. Hopefully, you won't rush into retirement again!

  4. Michal, you still look very strong at the 37 km mark. I heard so much about you joggling. But it was a real treat to see you live. Absolutely amazing, as I show everybody at the office. Congratulations!!

  5. Great video Michal. Can't wait to see the documentary.

    Congrats again.

    So...what's next for the Bloggling Joggler?
