Monday, October 29, 2007

How many drops?

Here's a question I get all time as a joggler: How many times do I drop? Riyaad Ali just asked me this in a comment from yesterday's post about Perry Romanowski 50-mile joggling world record. Perry had only four drops during the entire race.

Here's my progression in the marathon:

  • Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2005: 20 drops
  • Boston Marathon 2006: 14 drops
  • Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2006: 8 drops
  • Salt Lake City Marathon 2007: 4 drops
  • Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2007: 2 drops

My typical drop rate these days in about one every 25K. That's about one drop for every 18,000 catches. My 10K world record was drop-free.

Albert Lucas, who once held the marathon joggling record, has joggled several marathons without a single drop.

I drop a lot in training because I'm usually doing tricks.

One thing's for sure: the more you think about not dropping, the more likely you are to drop a ball.


  1. I've made it through only 1 marathon where I had no drops. That was San Diego 2004.

    It definitely improves your time when you have fewer drops, as your progress proves.

  2. How do you have the energy to type that message after joggling for 50 miles?

    I tend to drop more near the end of a tough marathon when I'm fatigued. It happened to me in Boston and to Zach in Salt Lake City.

    Four drops during a tough 50-mile world-record joggle on a windy day is really outstanding.

  3. Congratulations on this wonder achievement! You rock!

    Barry Friedman
    Raspyni Brothers
