Tuesday, October 30, 2007

WANTED: Bedside rack for juggling clubs

"Many customers are buying one for each side of the bed." I nearly lost it when I first heard that.

They should design something like this for juggling clubs. I could work on my 3-club patterns before I even get out of bed. And if an intruder comes it – BLAMMO! – a club to the head. The Canadian answer to the shotgun.


  1. "The back-up is not intended for use in homes with children."

    Uh, or PEOPLE! Crap, what is this world coming to? Please, let me never live in America.

  2. Darn, the video isn't working anymore.

  3. Just did for me?

    What happened to the days when you could just lean your shotgun up in the corner?

  4. sweeeet... that thing is at perfect knee-cap height.
