Thursday, November 8, 2007

Get ready for Canadian Running magazine

Runners, start your Garmins!

This February, Gripped Inc. is launching a new magazine called Canadian Running. It will be the first and only running magazine published in Canada, covering all the issues important to Canadian runners.

And the best part? I'm the editor.

So if you have any ideas about what you'd like to see in the magazine, write a comment here, or shoot me an e-mail.

The first issue is already shaping up to be a doozy. And before you ask ... no, every other article will not be about joggling.


  1. Hey - congrats!!! I wondered what was keeping you working 850 hours a week. What a perfect combo - you editing a running magazine. (Let me know if you need writers.)
    - Joanna

  2. Great news Michal. Good luck with the new job. I'm wondering how a Canadian running mag will be different than a US running mag. Some of it in Canadian? More articles about running in the cold? And of course, more joggling features.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There will be Canadian writers writing about Canadian runners, Canadian races, Canadian running clubs, Canadian trails, Canadian research, Canadian spelling, training plans in kilometres, reviews of gear and shoes sold in Canada and priced in Canadian dollars, and yes, stories about running in the Canadian climate.

  5. Kewl. Like to see some content on University teams, runners, coaches, etc. How the various meets are going, who's kicking butt.

  6. Hey, congratulations. It will be nice to see the issue.

    Canadian Running, unfortunately, is not the first or only Canadian running magazine. IMPACT Magazine has been publishing a health, fitness, and sport magazine that centers around running. They have been doing it for about 17 years now.

  7. From my understanding, IMPACT Magazine is not a running magazine, but a multi-sport/fitness magazine published 6 times/year, with one issue/year dedicated to running.

    Personally I'm really looking forward to the new Canadian Running Magazine. Congratulations Michal and best of luck in this latest venture.

  8. There was a magazine called Canadian Runner back in the 80s. I agree that IMPACT covers running, but it's more of a health and fitness publication.

    By the way, we're trying to secure the site The page up there right now is not our magazine. It will likely be until we can get the other site.
