Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rocky's road: Another joggler in Toronto

(Photo: John Chou)

There's a new joggler in town. Adrian Horvath (a.k.a. Rocky), pictured above with marathon world-record-holder Paula Radcliffe, borrowed my joggling beanbags this morning and managed to go three minutes without a drop.

I'd better watch my back, because Adrian just ran the NYC marathon in a PB time of 2:45, one minute faster than Lance Armstrong.

The day after the New York Marathon, Adrian ran into Radcliffe, who was looking pretty happy after her big win in the Big Apple. Between us, Adrian and I have met both the women's the men's marathon world-record-holders within the past month.


  1. I don't think you got that cozy with Geb.

    Did you read the article about the Canadian (I forget his name, but he won the half at Detroit) who looked over during the race, saw Geb and ran with him for as long as he could?

  2. I think you mean Paula Radcliffe. (with an "A" on the end.) Someone is sleep-deprived.
    - J

  3. Adeel, yes I read Mario Iozzo's story about running Detroit with Geb. I know Mario from way back. He sold me my first pair of real running shoes when he was working at the Running Room in the last 1990s.

    Joanna, one of these days I'll actually start proofreading my posts before they go live. Thanks.

  4. Proof reading!! This is blogging. There's no time for proof reading. :)
