Monday, April 14, 2008

The story of Buster Martin

Buster Martin finished the Flora London Marathon in just over 10 hours, but according to this report, he may not in fact be 101 years old, his name may not be Buster and he may not have fathered seventeen children.
On a side note, the article says the Guinness World Record for the fastest marathon dressed as a superhero is 3 hours and 4 minutes. So the only question is: which superhero do I choose?


  1. I think the obvious one would be The Flash!

  2. Perhaps super villain instead...the Joker. Incidentally, finishing a marathon at 94 is still impressive (if indeed that is his real age)

  3. How about "Dash" From the Incredibles?

    Juggleman doesn't count?

  4. I think 'Elwood Blues' from the Blues Brothers would classify as a super hero. I remember Gary Fanalli running some pretty quick marathons in the 80's as Elwood, but can't remember exactly how fast.
