Saturday, April 19, 2008

Up next: the Toronto Ultra 100K

Because I enjoy punishing myself, I signed up to race the Toronto Ultra 100K on May 3. When the publisher of Canadian Running Magazine asked me how I was training for the event, I said, "Tapering off, from nothing." I'm hoping my BHP Billiton Rock and Ice Ultra experience serves as some form of preparation for this, because I haven't done much else, apart from my usual 10K runs home from work and a Sunday-morning longish jaunt.

I'm planning to pace for 7 hours and 45 minutes, though I'm guessing it'll take me much longer. I hope I don't ruin my DNF-free running record. It was tempting to joggle this race, but I don't think there's an existing record for the 100K joggle, plus I didn't want to worry about getting it verified.

A big congratulations to Perry Romanowski for joggling the Flora London Marathon drop-free, in the rain, in 3:35.


  1. I hear that you have to wear a backpack and snowshoes for TUR! Have fun!

  2. Michal,
    I'm a joggler down here in South Africa. As far as I could establish, the only joggler ever to do a race in this country and continent.
    Took up the hobby 6 months ago, and done about 7 races this year.

    I'm a bit overweight and very slow, so I often end up defending joggling by referring to guys like you and perry that actually does it competitively in decent times, and that the sport should not be judged by my ability.

    The documentary of you and Zach Warren is the coolest thing ever, but I can't find it in any kind of downloadable or e-mailable format.
    Please help, and mail it to me.
