Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ultra DNF

I suffered my first-ever DNF today at the Toronto Ultra 100K. My Achilles tendon was bothering me a few weeks before the race, but I thought it had healed fully. I was wrong. After a strong 30K in 2:08, my heel began to bother me, and by 40K I was limping. If I could make itto 50K, it would be the longest race distance I had ever covered in one day, so I drank some root beer and water, ate some mini potatoes, Sun Chips and candies (gotta love those ultra aid stations) and set off for another 10K.

For some reason, both my feet felt like they'd been put through a blender, plus my Achilles got worse. So after I crossed the timing mat at 50K in 3:57, I decided to pack it in. Too bad I didn't listen to my mom and enter the 50K instead the 100K, because I would have won it. It's also a shame I couldn't finish the 100K because I was having so much fun. The race was well-organized, the 10K out-and-back course was scenic, and those crazy ultra runners were ultra-friendly. It was a surprisingly satisfying DNF, but I hope this isn't the start of a trend.


  1. Tough luck with the DNF. You made the right decision though. Hope you heal up well.

  2. Sounds like you had a tough run this time. So sorry you experienced the DNF. Just remember, Paula Radcliff had a marathon DNF and she came back and won a bunch after that.

    Hope all is well. Achilles tendon injuries suck.

    Joggle on.

  3. Michael, do you think the ants in your pb&j sandwich may have had an effect on your race?

    Hope to see you at another ultra event soon. Have you considered the Niagara 50k - a 99% guarantee for warmer weather.

    Cheers, Sharon

  4. This better not be the start of a trend - a trend of NOT LISTENING TO YOUR MOM.
